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The Company recognizes the importance of corporate transparency and accountability. The Directors are committed to achieving a high standard of corporate governance and to leading the Group towards growth in an efficient manner. It is the Group’s vision and mission to improve the Group’s corporate operations and procedures. The company strongly believes that good corporate governance will form a solid foundation for business growth, offer quality services and products, and bring optimal returns to investors.The Company formed the Audit Committee consisting of independent non-executive directors as the majority to ensure proper procedure for financial reporting and internal control. In addition, the Company also formed a Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee. In effort to protect shareholders’ interest, we will provide proper information disclosure and assure the ability of our Board to disclose relevant information on a timely basis to ensure the high-transparency of our Company.

Corporate Governance Manual

  • 01Corporate Governance Mission PDF
  • 02Artricles of Association PDF
  • 03Code of Practice for the Board PDF
  • 04Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee PDF
  • 05Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee PDF
  • 06Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee PDF
  • 07Corporate Governance Code PDF
  • 08Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee PDF
  • 09Code on Communication of Inside Information and Confidential Information PDF
  • 10Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors PDF
  • 11Code for Securities Transactions by Relevant Employees PDF
  • 12Shareholder Communication Policy PDF
  • 13Procedures of Director Nomination by Shareholders PDF
  • 14Board Diversity Policy PDF
  • 15Nomination Policy PDF
    • Board of Directors
    • Audit Committee
    • Nomination Committee
    • Remuneration Committee
    • Executive Committee

    LUAN Richeng, Chairman of the Board and Non-executive Director

    WANG Zhen, Managing Director and Executive Director

    XU Guanghong, Executive Director

    HUA Jian, Executive Director

    JIA Peng, Non-executive Director

    MENG Qingguo, Non-executive Director

    LAM Wai Hon, Ambrose, Independent Non-executive Director

    Patrick Vincent VIZZONE, Independent Non-executive Director

    ONG Teck Chye, Independent Non-executive Director

    LAM Wai Hon, Ambrose, Chairman of the Audit Committee 
    Patrick Vincent VIZZONE, member of the Audit Committee
    ONG Teck Chye, member of the Audit Committee 
    JIA Peng , member of the Audit Committee 
    LUAN Richeng, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
    LAM Wai Hon, Ambrose, member of the Nomination Committee
    Patrick Vincent VIZZONE, member of the Nomination Committee
    ONG Teck Chye, member of the Nomination Committee
    Patrick Vicent VIZZONE Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
    MENG Qingguo, member of the Remuneration Committee
    LAM Wai Hon, Ambrose, member of the Remuneration Committee
    ONG Teck Chye, member of the Remuneration Committee

    WANG Qingrong, Chairman of the Executive Committee

    Xu Guanghong, member of the Executive Committee

    YANG Hong, member of the Executive Committee